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Online Job Tour® not only works but exposes traditional recruiting.

Let’s start with a universal truth about hospital and healthcare recruiting:  If jobseekers, prospects or candidates aren’t educated, prepared and motivated, it doesn’t matter if you have a great job board or analytics, or an onboarding program.  The expensive job board and the tools and analytics are categorizing unqualified applicants while your window is short, especially with the better candidates.  


Traditional recruiting attempts to compel applicants to go on the expensive, logistically challenging, limited interview trip; it is at that visit, when employers primarily try to educate and sell people who arrive anxiously, and largely unprepared for what they will see.  Spouses are separated, and family is left out. Time and money limits, and possible other problems, such as weather, or human error, severely limit candidates from experiencing meeting personnel, departments on campus, and severely limit exposure to "quality of living features" of the area.  Recruiting staff is dealing with a limited number of prospects, who have multiple options.  Organizations parade candidates in a "linear fashion" due to cost and the limited way traditional recruiting provides information they need, which extends the time to fill their jobs while spending money, while money lost from the unfilled jobs, keeps increasing.  Employers often feel they must hire expensive third party sourcing companies, whose advertising appears online and next to theirs.  Huge employer frustration and costs, result from how long it takes to educate prospects and candidates.

Our Passion


Have you ever truly poured your heart and soul into something crucially important to you? Like many stories that begin with a tragedy or a bad experience, our founder lost his father due to a mistake in a hospital procedure in 2000.  To deal with his grief, Carl left a successful technology sales career and through different turns, got involved in medical recruiting.  Also a sales trainer with Fortune 500 roots, he saw shortcomings and envisioned what technology meant for all of us, and Carl invented Online Job Tour.


Our approach with each client relationship is the productions we make for our clients is what we would want to compete for professionals if we needed the best practitioners to treat our moms, dads, our spouses and our babies.  The memory of Carl’s father, and envisioning that our families are your patients, adorns our culture, and drives our passion to have no peer at what we do. 


Check the Dates!


We are THE pioneer in applying computer, web, and technology to advertising careers.  We didn't start as a job board service.  We began in the early 2000s knowing the Internet would change career search.  Today you are meeting us at the culmination of that vision after an extensive, national decade-long test market in 15 states and hospitals of every size in any sized town or city.


Online Job Tour is patented. Really: #8,200,584.


We applied for our Online Job Tour patent in 2003.  Give any company you have met 5 years or more - and make sure you look carefully, before they really started making online recruiting material of any kind. 


ATS/Job Board Integration


You already have a job board of some kind but you want to maximize the marketability of your careers and compete for the best talent and fully educate your prospective candidates.  And here we are.  Our epic productions transport jobseekers to see your facilities, get to know your people, and we guide them through subjects they need while we put your best foot forward.  They get a complete, “holistic understanding” of what it will be like to work with you and live there.  And then we transport them back, now fully educated, pre-sold, and motivated to sell themselves to you!  

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