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ATS/Job Board Integration

Online Job Tour is made to exist alongside and work with individual employer job boards and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) technology, and in the defined web space where a company or individual client presents its career opportunities.


If you closely examine an Online Job Tour, you will notice instructions are provided at its beginning, and then at its end we “direct” the jobseeker/prospect/candidate to the appropriate places to apply on the client job board (ATS system) for the client, or to the contact professional.   


For corporate clients, we create a “Find a Job, Take the Tour, Let Us Know,” protocol. 


Whereas before our invention, the “take the tour” part had to be done expensively and physically, Online Job Tour promotes the entire process can now be done online.  This is the same for an individual job, for that matter.


We effectively “insert” Online Job Tour in the right place, and jobseekers/candidates follow its instructions, as well as direction from our client recruiters.


In any case, Online Job Tour is designed to effectively help jobseekers and their families make better, faster decisions while we maximize the efficiency of delivering information they need, while we maximize the marketability/competitiveness of our clients and their locations.



Notes on Job Boards and ATS: Years of test marketing and working with employers and jobseekers, continues to refine what Online Job Tour represents to our clients: a powerful recruiting innovation and tool that is made for both sides to maximize their effort, time, and expense while we support client recruiting efforts.  We believe continuing to examine ways to make client recruiting more effective and efficient, and adapting to new tools, trends, products, as well as client ideas, is our responsibility.


We have watched how company and industry job boards have evolved over the years and appreciate the sophisticated tracking and sorting methods that Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and what their software can offer to employers.


But industries are different. Companies are different. Candidates are different – in some industries certain professionals are in high demand while in others, employers can be selective.  Physician recruitment is “transitional” and requires strategy to acquire prospects, attempting to move them through a defined recruiting protocol that educates, sells, and competes vs. many options of the candidates.  While hospitals may have very few prospects for a physician opening, in another field there may be numerous candidates.


  • So for a cardiothoracic surgeon opening where there is one candidate, expensive ATS technology doesn’t do anything.  For emergency nursing openings where there are hundreds of applicants, ATS offers bona fide and very helpful analysis.


  • For a huge, level one trauma center with hundreds of applicants for an open job, an ATS can do a great deal, while for a small community hospital that might have three applicants for a similar position, an ATS may be deemed to be a waste of money.


Despite your decisions on ATS, buying a new one, or doing without one if you are a smaller employer, or buying one later if you grow, it doesn’t matter because Online Job Tour can exist and provide its benefits to your recruiting regardless of the way you go.

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