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We are the Pioneer in applying Technology to Employer Recruiting & Jobseeker Career Search.
Nobody has our years or amount of experience.
"Our passion is to produce the best recruiting product you have ever used."

Every prospect is provided a comprehensive, "virtual" interview trip, up front.


The traditional approach to recruiting is trying to cajole selected jobseekers to the expensive interview trip, where employers try to "sell" them. That limited, logistically-challenged trip for both sides, is set aside for very few due to the high cost and staff limitations.  On site, it separates spouses. It excludes family, friends, and colleagues. Even if executed perfectly, it cannot cover 5% of our extremely detailed “web productions.” 


Instead of it taking 18 to 24 months to fully educate candidates so they feel good about a career commitment, after digitally touring through patented Online Job Tour and subjects they need to know, candidates have a “holistic understanding” of working and living with our clients, while we put the client and their area’s best foot forward. 90% of our survey respondents not only loved Online Job Tour, but they claimed it was the "best way to consider a career" they had ever experienced. This is the best way to sell your careers, compete for, and recruit the best professionals.  


Where you place Online Job Tour:  Place Online Job Tour on your classified ads, provide it to third party sourcing services, introduce it to prospects upon meeting them as “the first step” to considering your careers.  It automatically educates, compels and sells them.


Benefits to your organization:  By introducing Online Job Tour first, the time, effort, waiting, attempts to convince prospects to accept an interview trip to try to sell them which involves the time of your employees, are reduced significantly.  Additional trips, while unfilled jobs continue to lose production and revenue, are reduced or eliminated.  Candidates are fully knowledgable and motivated before either side makes commitments.  They arrive for interviews pre-sold and with our clients as their top choices – closing percentages dramatically rise, less financial incentives are needed to sign new employees, jobs are filled in half the time or less, there is less need to use third party sourcing/recruiting services, and your new hires and their families relocate comfortably, and committed for the long term, which improves retention.  


Results:  Your advertising yields better returns and better candidates.  Recruiting is better, easier, more efficient, and less expensive because you put a complete, "100% digital interview visit" as their first step to considering a career with your organization, that blows away the real visit in cost and in practical terms, with no errors, that is un-rushed and before the costly “recruiting process” starts.  Online Job Tour “sets the table” for you to choose and close your top choices.  Test marketed for years, you will see our experience, knowledge, and passion, throughout this website.


A virtual “Immersion Experience” far better than the real trip: The first step in successful selling and recruiting is getting your prospect to imagine working in the career you are selling. Online Job Tour is not just far more comprehensive than the real interview trip – but the vast majority of jobseekers who see and/or reply to employer ads never go on the real visit.


Our productions allow everyone, and their families, to get a better “digital career preview” vs. the very few who actually go on the real trip, which they can revisit through the interview process.  Also worth considering is all candidates want to feel that they can justify their decision to friends and family, and Online Job Tour provides an additional level of comfort because they are excited to share it in order to explain their career choice. 

Neighbors: We profile dozens of community members – our approach is like meeting them in person, where we reveal their professional careers but also what their passions are - like meeting them in real life, which is not possible on the real interview visit.  The result is jobseekers choosing jobs confidently, and relocate to their new home already knowing their neighbors; these are the parents of their children’s friends, and who they will see out and about in the area.  The people we meet personally, and take time to profile and interview, provide incredible comfort and reassurance that your competitors simply cannot provide.

Respected business owners and friends are profiled but we also we maximize their contributions by limiting redudancy and cliches

Legendary community leaders welcome your candidates and their families

Neighbors take your prospects to their favorite places, sit down and talk with them – as if on an interview trip, but with Online Job Tour there are no logistical challenges, problems getting anywhere, rain outs, missed appointments, or injuries!

In a compelling approach that we choreograph, your candidates meet future neighbors as they really are – who share their lives, dreams, hopes and their passions. We profile dozens of professionals in our client communities – unlike your competitors, your candidates truly learn the most important things about the people who make up the fabric of our client communities and make them unique. The combination of looking through the profile of a community member who shares their interests, advice and memories, along with a video, promotes your candidates getting to know these people and in sum, the fabric of the area - this is world's apart from awkwardly meeting very few on the real interview.


"What will life be like for me and my family?"


Multiple excursions!  Unlike the real interview trip, driving to the some of the best places in our client areas would eat up the valuable time – which is not a problem in Online Job Tour.  In one production we can go out on a lake for a boat ride, go hiking, film a symphony performance, visit museums, community theaters, many restaurants – we can cover far more virtually!  There are no limits!

Appalachian Trail, Watauga Lake, The Blue Hole – we visit them all, including hiking and boat rides - impossible to do it all on the real interview trip

Produced in a “second person” context with our subjects addressing your candidates, these are their future neighbors, welcoming them. With Online Job Tour, there’s no time limit, no delayed or missed meetings, no weather problems or missed flights, among many problems of the real interview.

After researching the recruiting "assets"  to maximize your competitiveness, and in the mind's eye of your prospects, we "reveal"  the “lifestyle” options, and not just local ones, but regional and "weekender" places that physicians will enjoy; and with Online Job Tour, your candidates and their spouses can enjoy these together, as opposed to being separated on the real interview trip

We embrace your area's history and heritage in a way that your prospects and candidates will love, and want for themselves

Area Culture:  Revealing the "thumbprint" that makes your area unique.

Performance and cultural venues are sought out because these are the "soul" of many communities; reaching the hearts of your prospects is crucial to selling them

Candidates want to know the story of the community they are considering – advantages go to the employer who explains their history, that jobseekers can embrace, as well as understand the context of how they fit into the community’s life.  We introduce your candidates to multiple historians in our productions, who speak to them in a third person, "sit down" format, as though they are chatting.  It's truly incredible.  Most employers ignore the history component completely when dealing with prospects for their careers while we provide information our own clients often didn't know.


Economy: Your candidates meet Economic leaders who share current and future plans.


Physicians need to be able to project their practice opportunity and be comfortable about having a long term career in any new area.  We exhibit the economic profile of client areas through the economic development leaders and visits to area companies, along with a sophisticated, thesis-like breakdown and analysis of the regional and immediate area economy, and focus on what might be commelling to physician jobseekers, which may include angel investment opportunities that promote their future investment in their new home towns.

Education:  We critically analyze the area public schools and private school options, often including school video and photo tours, that maximize their marketability and appeal to your candidate families. Comprehensive reviews leave them fulfilled and knowledgable, so they can compare their options and feel confident in their decisions.  

Yes, we took this charming picture! Our comprehensive productions will take you into schools for tours by their principals. Just like on the real interview, they share school features and plans.  Our productions introduce you to college presidents, deans and program directors, public school district superintendents, teachers, and education leaders, private schools, and more – far more than what you would have time for on the real trip.  Like you, our productions are discriminating – we seek out the good and the not so good – because the most important thing is to have as much information as possible – not just the good things.  Most candidates do not need to visit any schools on their interviews because of our productions.

Watch a lecture during a visit to a local medical school – our productions take candidates where they can’t usually go, even if they were on site in your service area

College presidents, deans, and school superintendents are featured and share their testimony

We often introduce you to star high school students who share their future college plans - they speak directly to your candidates

Family: Your candidates must first imagine living in your area with their families, before you can compete for them.  HOW can their children live a full life in your area, while achieveing their dreams?  No cliches - our productions focus on this crucial part of recruiting.

We seek out and share the best and most marketable recruiting assets regarding family fun, and often visit client communities at different times of the year, to showcase all there is to do for kids of all ages in our client geographies.  Your candidates need to know they are moving to a place where their children with thrive and achieve dreams, and have a great childhood!  So many things would be missed on multiple real visits that Online Job Tour can share on our better platform!


Company Culture: We "thread" your mission throughout our elegant productions.

Themes of what your company and its leaders value, are maintained in our productions – candidates will not only understand the brick and mortar of your facilities, but what your organization values. From your sincere concern that they get the most out of their career search experience with you, to your expectations of them as team members, Online Job Tour yields candidates who understand you, they are familiarized with the culture of your workplace, and choose to compete for your open career positions.

"Who are my co-workers going to be? Why do they like working at that organization and living there? What are the people like who live there?"


Co-Workers: Studies show we feel differently about someone we are talking with on the phone if we know what they look like – so imagine prospects for your careers being introduced to their co-workers, their future manager and the leaders of the organization, before the recruiting process starts. Candidates see and “meet”  future colleagues whom we profile - a huge edge vs. your competitors.

Imagine having the time to relax and get to “meet” and really get to know, future co-workers – dozens of professionals are profiled in the unique, unrushed, fulfilling Online Job Tour approach, which your candidates will revisit throughout their time with you

Online Job Tour's Patented Design working for you:

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” – Dr. Ben Johnston, Abingdon, Virginia

Produced in our professional design studio with experienced writers, former sales and recruiting professionals, the best video and content creators, we continually seek out and harness the latest technology to provide our clients with every advantage possible. Each Online Job Tour can have as many as 7,500 original photos, 80 or more original videos totalling more than five hours of video time, and as many as 60 client employees, physicians, neighbors and community leaders are profiled, after our onsite production visit.  Your prospects actually meet and get to know their future colleagues and neighbors, visit multiple places they could never do on multiple real trips, and often get "inside views" that our clients typically can't provide.


An extremely detailed, comprehensive"thesis" on every topic, that compels and educates jobseekers far better than multiple real interview trips provided to very few, now EVERY professional considering a career at your organization - and their families, have a holistic understanding of living in your location, and working with you, after using Online Job Tour.  Candidates are pre-qualified, motivated, and prepared to engage our clients in job/contract negotiations; they are ready, and want your jobs.  With the void created by eliminating the need for educating, informing, or selling, our clients can do what others can't:  attract more and better candidates, fill jobs faster, cheaper, and more efficiently with less need for incentives, with better retention.


We never use stock images (fake pictures), nor photo shop.  No shortcuts; we do everything the right way.  This is about competing for the best practitioners against many competitors, and saving you a lot of time, effort, and money - which Online Job Tour has already proved to do!

Executive professional couples share their choice to live in client areas; local entrepreneurs take your prospects hiking in search of waterfalls

Fully knowing what life is like in their next hometown needs to include visiting unique places off the main roads, & knowing where to get the best burger, served up by business owners who want the best for their community, who welcome you to their businesses

Candidates often don't even consider an area's economy - Online Job Tour often works as an advocate for them while we feature our client's top employers; consider that your competitors won't discuss their economy with your candidates at all, so Online Job Tour provides you another advantage 

We often take your candidates to a football game on Friday Night – where future legends play in their next hometown

We immerse candidates in the culture of our client communities by featuring places that are often impractical to visit during the real interview trip, where we profile the people who create that thumbprint that is unlike anywhere else, and what makes the client’s area unique to any place

History: Local historians share the compelling story of your community.

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