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Most everyone knows about the age demographic trends of America and the growing number of baby boomers, as well as the shortage in many physician areas and in a number of healthcare specialties.  While many employers are already focused on efficiency measures and doing their best to streamline operations, including in recruiting, they are also facing the fact that they must compete for physicians – they don’t just have to sell doctors when recruiting them, but OUTSELL their numerous other options.  We prefer to associate Online Job Tour with organizations who believe they are competing not just to fill their open jobs, but fill them with the best possible candidates who also are good long-term career fits.


The leadership of our company has roots in competitive sales. We understand the importance of standing apart to get attention, and then keeping attention, how to close candidates, and how to present information on our Online Job Tours put our client’s best foot forward and also allows for favorable comparison vs. other employers.


The first round draft pick in pro baseball may get a handsome signing bonus and contract, but that’s not what is going to get him to “The Show;” he has to earn it, just like our clients must land candidates (Mike Mains, GM, Elizabethton, TN, Twins, with a top prospect pitcher)

Proven Selling Tenets & Concepts in Online Job Tour’s Development: We understand important selling concepts and incorporate them into Online Job Tour.  Here are some:


On Getting Enough Information:  When making a significant purchase, or for something as important as a career decision, people must believe they have enough information. 


  • Online Job Tour provided our clients a key advantage in rural areas which generally fly under the Internet radar, so jobseekers cannot get enough information about them, and often never become interested enough. 

  • Our productions reveal these communities and help to offset negative stereotypes or the belief by prospects they aren’t modern living areas.

  • Online Job Tour continues to prove there are many non-urban areas that physicians and their families see as ideal, after we fully present them in our productions.

  • The problem with suburbs and major cities with which candidates are unfamiliar, is often the opposite – that there is too much information which our productions help to collect and provide for the candidate and their family.

  • Even for jobseekers familiar with the town or city of the hospital, they may never have visited the hospital campus or know employees or physicians; even in this case, having familiarity with staff and their lives and their testimonials, are extremely powerful, and help our clients “open the door” to compete for these jobseekers.

  • It’s as important to let candidates know the negative as well as all facts, because consumers are more comfortable if they think they know everything, even if some information is unflattering vs. their other options.

  • In most cases, the employer who has revealed more to the prospect vs. the employer with too many unanswered questions wins that candidate.

 "People buy on emotion and justify with facts." – Bert Decker


Emotion:  Sales tenets for competitive recruiting include that people “buy on emotion, and then justify their decision with facts,” in little things and in large decisions.


  • Online Job Tours are elegant productions that evoke good feelings and promote healthy living features while we reveal the unique thumbprint of each area and their features.

  • In many cases, physicians will narrow down their list of finalists and comment to their spouse, “I could live in any of these, but which one do you think is best for us?”  If compensation and other work terms are equal, it’s fascinating how the mind works, but people/physicians will gravitate to the employer they best about and then justify their choice with facts – we hope you can see how Online Job Tour’s development strategy keys on presenting our clients and their areas in compelling ways to be attractive, but fulfills the need of candidates to be able to justify their choices.

  • You may also find it interesting to know that Online Job Tour goes a long way for your future candidates to justify choosing you to family, colleagues and friends.  Having Online Job Tour to SHARE with is invaluable – instead of friends who may be unfamiliar with your location and have a negative option, our productions will compel them as well, and remove that burden from your candidate.  We have had numerous discussions with doctors and their spouses on the relief of stress our product provides them regarding feeling like they must be sure their relatives are also happy with their career choice.

Competing can be fun! Especially with the advantage of Online Job Tour, which promotes more time and opportunity to create strategies with it and continue to improve your results

No Clichés: Being competitive means not speaking in clichés.  Mistakes we often see in hospital recruiting are claims when trying to compel candidates, which include clichés like “our area is great for families,” or “we have a short commute to work.” 


  • These phrases are non-specific and may not be true based on competitors’ locations.

  • These phrases do not serve to differentiate themselves from competitors. They don’t help to advance the “sales” or recruiting process and are often spoken nervously during conversation pauses – which are uncommon with Online Job Tour clients because our productions are thought provoking and promote candidates to discuss what they like about them.

  • Online Job Tours are designed to give jobseekers the information so that they tell our clients, “your area would be great for our family.” In other words, selling/and recruiting today, is providing prospects information so they come to these conclusions on their own.

The 1987 National High School Coach of the Year from Clintwood High in the historic Virginia Coalfields, regional icon Ralph Cummins teams had a startling 64-0-1 unbeaten regular-season streak between 1972 and 1979, including three state championships, as well as a 41-3-6 record in the 1950s; along with Online Job Tour, your recruiters have more information and experience about your organization and its areas – selling tenets suggest that viewing the relationship with candidates as coaching, or guiding them, improves your results

Be an Advocate for Candidates:  This leads us to another selling component that is important in today’s recruiting. We also believe the better in-house recruiters view themselves as advocates for their candidates, and instead of following them, they lead their candidacy by offering Online Job Tour as a better tool, and become a partner with them – thus separating themselves and our client from the competition yet again.


  • Physician jobseekers respect employer recruiters who can provide them information efficiently, but also offer them insights that make them better candidates.

  • It is not uncommon for our client recruiter to exclaim, “Dr. Brown, it’s important for you to know about our area economy so you can project your practice opportunity – what do you think of the population demographics of our area and the Economy section of our Online Job Tour?”  This is a great question and influential, because it is not only something the doctor may not have considered, but our clients’ competitors often offer very little information about their economies. 

  • Additionally, because Online Job Tour dramatically reduces the time our client recruiters have to spend to educate candidates, more time can be spend getting to know them, as well as building on their knowledge gained from our productions. 

  • It is also common for our clients to set up a meeting with a community leader we feature, who takes them on a photography hike.  Imagine how far advanced our clients are with candidates, who are meeting new friends while they are struggling to give them basic information that our productions far surpass.

  • Advancing knowledge of the candidate makes them feel comfortable – and they will make the decision on comfort and emotion.  The power packed amount of information in our product justifies their decision, which they can share with others.

Rocky Marciano, the only undefeated Heavyweight Champion, had a “go-to” punch that he could rely on; he called it the “Suzy Q.”  Armed with Online Job Tour, your organization’s recruiters now have your own Suzy Q

Sales Tool:  While we are still on selling and competing, all great sales professionals have a sales tool that they can rely on, that is an extension of them and their expertise.


  • No recruiter can work 24/7, but Online Job Tour does.

  • A professional sales tool, Online Job Tour allows our clients to deal with and inform numerous jobseekers at the same time.

  • In many cases, before they approach employers, jobseekers like to window shop and wait until they are comfortable which Online Job Tour promotes.

  • Employer recruiters have varying degrees of experience, and confidence.  It often nerve racking to meet and start the recruiting process – Online Job Tour is a very effective “crutch” for every client recruiter, whether they have experience or not, or they may be sick today.

  • A great sales tool does a lot of the selling, and helps the sales professional better concentrate on closing. 

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