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“Never Gets Old”

Unlike the expensive recruiting video and hardcopy materials of any kind which would normally supplement attempts to inform and sell prospects and candidates, which get old from the moment they are produced, Online Job Tour productions are supported to keep them updated so they always reflect what candidates would see on a physical trip. Whether it would be an updated listing of personnel, their testimonials, places, or new places, stores or businesses considered recruit assets, Online Job Tour is a dynamic, ever-changing recruiting tool.


We offer clients five free changes/updates monthly through a specific program that allows clients to keep us informed, we do our own research on the client and its service area because they might miss things, and we revisit clients and their locations regularly to do larger updates when needed, so that they can stay focused on their recruiting.


In 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, our update and support program has the goal that the client’s Online Job Tour will be as fresh and new to target jobseekers and candidates and their families as when it was first produced – truly maximizing its use and benefits.


The Recruiting Video, 1990-2010

Notes on the traditional recruiting video: Recruiting videos have always been challenged with significant limitations because of their inherent design and platform, and who makes them.  They are relatively short and filled with clichés, and don’t provide depth of information that jobseekers and their families really need to understand, about the employer and living in its area.  Videographers generally aren’t recruiters or sales professionals, so they don’t know the needs of the target viewer (candidate), the competitive issues or who the client competitors may be, they may not know what to hone in on that makes communities unique to the types of target prospects, and so they generally cannot offer any help in creating the material.


Additionally, knowing the video will be 8 minutes (or whatever the length), forces editing cuts – information cuts.  Recruitment videos also often promote products that may have been modern before, but candidates know better today.  Employees or physicians who provided a testimonial have since left the organization.  If placed on YouTube®, employers give up all copyrights which allow competitors and others to use it, and the video may be filed next to objectionable videos that have nothing to do with the client.  The limitations of the traditional recruiting video, despite their glamour or elegance of their production, are significant.


Tourism Videos – No different than offering a handful of websites and hoping jobseekers will look through them to find information that may help them, employers may do the same with tourism videos, which are not designed for the specific candidates who need to know the full spectrum of the area for their needs that the tourism video doesn’t cover: the employer’s campus and staff and physician testimonials, first and foremost, and tourism videos leave out huge amounts of information for candidates, including detailed school information and visits, and the same regarding the economy and real estate, among much more.  Generally, Online Job Tour productions cover what the tourism videos do in far more detail.


Traditional recruiting content, including products like “the recruiting video,” cannot be compared to Online Job Tour productions which have 300 pages and cover topics like a thesis study, supported by as many as 100 videos and 4 hours of video time, produced by experienced professionals and on a patented, proven design.


Remarkably, Online Job Tour is not only similar in cost while it far surpasses the recruiting video, evidence is starting to show that employers are losing far more in lost time and missed placements, poor retention, than the choice of taking short cuts of referring jobseekers to unrelated websites and tourism videos, or paying for recruiting videos that ultimately don’t satisfy the needs of shrewd physicians and healthcare jobseekers.

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